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I could feel my pulse thumping in my veins, my throat was dry and my breathing shallow. I couldn't believe this could be happening to me. "Michael" the oncologist said, "I have some bad news regarding your test results - unfortunately it's Cancer." 
Everything fell silent, my ears started ringing and time seemed to stand still. I was a 24 year old former professional tennis player in great shape and cancer was the furthest thing from my mind. In an instant the course of my life changed.
My sole mission became survival and my girlfriend Kristel began making 'superfood' mixes for me to blend into drinks and food in order to boot my immune system after treatment (I ultimately beat cancer).
It's funny how life works sometimes though because this devastating diagnosis became the building block for our company and the health movement it has inspired. My name is Michael Kuech and what I'm about to share with you today may very well transform your life, just like it did for me.



When life throws a curve ball at you there are two options: choose a path of 'whatever happens happens' OR get actively educated about topics you had never paid much attention to. Perhaps some of you can relate to this.
We chose to learn as much as possible about what I could do, alongside and after chemotherapy and traditional treatment in order to strengthen my body and give myself the best possible outcome.
What we learned absolutely shocked us.
As athletes both Kristel and I were certainly familiar with not only rigorous workouts and conditioning but also what we thought was 'eating healthy.' It turned out though that we and countless others were missing where true health starts from: inside the body.
You see you can be in what looks like good shape from the outside and be active and still be massively deficient in vitamins and other nutrients that your body craves to be truly healthy and operate at it's peak. In fact most of us are according to a leading European study that found 90% of people did not eat enough fruits and vegetables.
Throughout all the research we continued to hear references to one thing in particular: "SUPERFOODS"
These nutrient rich power-packed natural ingredients have been used for thousands and thousands of years by indigenous tribes and forgotten civilizations all around the world with incredible results.
Kristel took the lead on finding the healthiest sources of these raw ingredients in organic form (no easy task) and then consulted her Aunt Ellen, an orthonutritionst on what vitamins and minerals the body needs on a daily basis, and what it needs to heal.
She started blending unique mixes for me that I could easily mix into a drink or sprinkle over food. You see, chemotherapy takes a significant toll on your body and these ultra nutritious superfoods would help my body rebuild.
I started feeling... well I can only describe it as better and stronger from the inside out. It's hard to describe but in the midst of the worst health crisis of my life I could almost feel my body coming alive as it was fed foods that it craved.
Kristel started using the different mixes as well and confirmed she also felt the results and felt amazing. We knew we were onto something special.

Ultimately and thankfully I beat cancer, but this feeling that we had uncovered something that our ancestors knew but somehow modern society had forgotten about sparked something inside us. We wanted to... NO... we KNEW that we had to share this with the world.





I hope that my story has inspired you to start living your best life. It's easier and quicker than you may have thought and I promise you it's oh so worth it!
Stay Healthy, Be Happy!
Michael Kuech

Don't just take it from us! Hear what our customers have to say about the Detox Bundle! 👇🏼


Kristel De Groot

Co-Founder, Your Super